a lifestyle, motherhood, & running blog


New House: 8.5 Month Update

So... it's been a little while since I checked in with y'all and our house, hasn't it?
Last time you saw our house, we were 3 months into owning it and had just gotten back from our honeymoon and had completed an insane weekend of house work to knock out a few big projects prior to football season.

It's been awhile.

Football season is over, Christmas has come and gone, and I've got a winter/spring full of time to get more things done around the house. Here's where we stand now though...

Front Entry Way




{plus the hallway right off the entryway that leads to the bedrooms... just so there's proof that we've hung more than 3 things on our walls and that we've bought at least one rug specifically for this house :)}

We need some sort of rug for this entry way, but other than that, we're probably done with it. There's a coat closet to the left of the front door that we need to get into and fix up at some point. That might be a spring time project for us this year.

Living Room




I can't begin to tell you how excited I was to get the blinds hung up in this room and to finally move furniture into it. It might have been one of my favorite days in the house. All of the furniture in here is from my Charlotte apartment, with the exception of the new bar cart.

The fireplace has an array of things that found a home up there just because they had no where else to go. Currently... the fire place is completely cleaned off & primed, awaiting a coat of fresh paint {which is happening tonight!}

This is going to be the first room that we begin to buy new furnishings for. On my list is a new couch and 2-3 wing chairs. I'm hoping that Patrick and I will be able to build a sweet little coffee table instead of purchasing one.

Dining Room



We are done with this room for now. We still need a smaller lamp, a new rug under the table, and new chairs for the table... all things that will come whenever we find things we like.



... yeah. About that "after" picture. One will come soon! Just pretend there's a picture here & imagine all of this happening:

It finally, finally got painted! It was the last room on the main level of the house to get painted despite it having the least amount of wall space. The trim just recently got painted and we hung up blinds in the window a couple of weekends ago. For awhile, we were going to go without them but eventually decided to add them in when we caught the custom blinds on sale for 50% off at Lowes.

This room is done for now, too. One day there might be an island added into the middle but we're not pushing for that at the moment.

Florida Room



This is definitely the "hand me down" room. The couches came from my parents' house a few years ago. The rug, coffee table, and TV stand are all from Patrick's parents. The end table is from my apartment. I want to say the mini fridge we have tucked in a corner is one we swiped from Patrick's brother Andrew's storage unit. The table turned bar cart was from Patrick's Elmwood house days.

We want to build a TV stand for this room, buy a new rug, and buy a big, super comfy sectional. One day y'all, one day.

Small Guest Bedroom




Despite the fact that this was the first room with the walls/ceiling painted, it was the last room on the list for trim paint. It became our storage room for all paint supplies and tools and random wedding gifts for months and Patrick just recently got back on getting this room finished up. We still have a bit more to do {like hang blinds} before the work in here is done.

We have no idea what we want to do with this room but it's probably going to house a desk and a table for now. The closet still needs some fixing up/fresh coat of paint.

Big Guest Bedroom




Nothing fancy happening in here. It's working for now as a guest bedroom when we have friends/family stay over but when nobody is visiting... it's a glorified laundry room. There's usually laundry hanging out on the bed waiting to be folded, hangers everywhere, and a drying rack covered in clothes. Things like that happen when your laundry "room" is actually a coat closet.

Master Bedroom






The next room that we have to tackle is the basement man cave. We need to clean it out {because it became the storage room when we moved everything out of the smaller guest bedroom} and get to work on painting it. It'll get a fresh coat of paint, new blinds on the windows, and laminate hardwood floors.

Check out it's current state... except you need to add a bunch of paint cans, boxes, holiday decorations, random shoes, and a few wedding presents and you can imagine what it looks like now. & no, y'all definitely aren't getting a picture of that because it's that bad down there. Those shelves have been torn down and the ceilings have been smoothed out with a new layer of drywall, so there is that.

Anyway, all of that falls into Patrick's wheelhouse. He's picked out a paint color {& we bought the paint!}, he's picked out the flooring he wants, and we've already got the blinds down there ready to install. We'll be starting on this room as soon as we can get it cleaned out, yay!


  1. Wow y'all have done so much work in a few short months!! It will be so cool to see your house continue to transition through the years & then look back to see where you started :)

  2. Love seeing an update - things have come along so much! Looks great!

  3. Y'all have done so much! It looks great. I love the color in your big guest bedroom.

  4. Yall have done so much work --- looks great!! Love the updates!

  5. All of it looks so good! I can't wait to see what you do with the basement!

  6. Wow, you've done SO much!! And what a different a fresh coat of paint makes.. that yellow was everywhere!! Lol.

    xo, Kristina

  7. you guys have done the most things to a house, ever. haha. but for reals, i love your house and i want to move there please. why do you call it a florida room? i am so intrigued.

  8. You have worked wonders!! Especially loving your choices in the dining room :) And what fun to have a Florida room!! :)

  9. It's amazing what a little paint can do to transform a house! I love the color that you chose and how bright it makes everything look. I started with the back of our house and I'm slowly making my way to the front with a new wall color. hehe

  10. It looks awesome! You've made a lot of progress and I still LOVE that sunroom :)

  11. Everything looks SO good!! Y'all have put in so much work and it definitely looks like a whole new house. Crazy how paint and some other fun touches can do that!! What color did y'all paint the guest bedrooms/master bedroom?! I love that color!! We painted the whole downstairs of our house and just kinda forgot about the upstairs. I plan on having the upstairs painted before Matthew's busy season ends...something to keep me busy while he works every weekend lol. And don't feel bad, our laundry room is TINY so I use the guest bedroom across from it to house all of our laundry until I get around folding it too until we have guests stay in there. It just works well that way ;) So in love with your sun/Florida room! Those windows in there are beautiful and I love all the natural light coming in!!

  12. It’s always fun to hear about house updates. I’m also in the middle of furnishing my guest bedroom, and I’ve been looking into single mattress prices in pakistan. There are so many options, and I want to find something comfortable yet affordable. I think a cozy guest room makes a big difference when family and friends visit. Good luck with all your projects!


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